
schäfer-technic GmbH can look at more than 120 years of company history. We stand for progress and modern machines.

This is also be reflected in our actions. That is why our actions are carried out within the framework of the applicable laws, guidelines and standards.

That is what we call compliance. Compliance affects every company - regardless of size or type of operation.

Abidance with legal, official, and other requirements is a matter of course for us and the basis for sustainable business relationships. These contain the specifications from standards and include the requirements for social and ethical corporate management. Corruption and taking advantage are not tolerated.

Corruption damages competition prevents fair play and is not in line with our corporate values. Compliance with legal regulations and internal compliance rules has the highest priority for schäfer-technic GmbH. Our internal guidelines and instructions are our guidelines for our conduct in everyday business. All our employees know these and live them in their working environment.

Violations of this must be recognized at an early stage to initiate appropriate countermeasures and avert possible damage to our business partners, employees and the company. If the suspicion arises those violations of laws, corruption or comparable processes are taking place or become known, these must be reported.

For this purpose, we have set up the option below to provide information on potential violations anonymously or by name. We review and follow up on every report. We treat every indication confidentially.

An important pillar of the whistleblower system is the principle of a fair trial. The presumption of innocence applies to those affected until the violation is proven.

We also assure you that you will not be disadvantaged in any way, provided you have made the report to the best of your knowledge and belief, and you do not violate applicable law yourself.


Roland Schäfer Jens Schäfer
Management Board  





Compliance form